Testing and Updating
As you may have noticed, it has been a while. We all know 2020 has been a real roller-coaster, and added to that I’ve had many unrelated family situations which have really made it very hard to make any significant progress in finishing NBB. Don’t worry, it’s just rebooting a little. However!I have been porting NBB to Unity 2020, and apart from some odd glitches, it has been surprisingly smooth, specially considering...
I know, I know, I’m a monster, I say I’ll keep you all updated and then I disappear for months. I’m honestly sorry… But I come bearing GIFTS! Well, in the abstract sense of the word “gift”. It is the tremendous gift of knowledge!! …that we are finally testing the new Tap & Blast iteration completely, getting ready for the release which will hopefully happen soon (ish). And that’s the...