A most exhausted post.
Well yeah! It has been a long while since my last update… More than a month it seems. So it’s time for news! As you may or may not know, we ordered one of those fancy Oculus Rift v.2 DevKits. And I managed to put my order in for the first batch, so our very exciting new piece of hardware has already arrived to the exotic lands of Chile… But sadly the post office here is the model of dysfunctional bureaucracy, so...
yet another “weekly” update
OH NOES! Dark Souls, Make it stop! Yes, damned game took over us and demanded to be played to completion… thankfully we’re done now… (those endings were a bit disappointing weren’t they? And as a sorcerer, after the first few bosses, the game wasn’t really all that hard). But anyway, it’s over now and with it, the end of the sweet masochistic exploratory pleasure (but I eagerly await the 2nd one...